Dubioza Kolektiv sind zurück auf Tour und sorgen mit ihrem unverwechselbaren Mix aus Balkanbeats, Reggae, Ska und Rock wieder für energiegeladene Abende. Die sieben Musiker sind bekannt für ihre gesellschaftskritischen Texte, ihren Humor und ihre unglaubliche Bühnenpräsenz. Im Interview mit uns dem Frontstage Magazine sprechen sie über neue Songs, spontane Überraschungen bei ihren Konzerten und die Bedeutung von lokalen Bieren für ihre Shows. Außerdem verraten sie, wie sie aktuelle politische Themen in ihrer Musik verarbeiten und warum sie sich manchmal wie die sieben Zwerge ohne Schneewittchen fühlen. Ein Gespräch, das genauso unkonventionell ist wie die Band selbst!
Frontstage Magazine: What new elements or surprises can fans expect on the upcoming tour?
DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV: First of all, we will play some new songs that we are currently recording in the studio. We like to play new material before it is completely finished. Usually, the reaction of a live audience gives us the best ideas on how to make a final shape of new music.
Frontstage Magazine: How do current political and social issues influence your music and performance on this tour?
DK: The current political and social status of the whole planet is in a state of horror. If we take direct influence and inspiration from that, our music would probably shift to folk death metal because death is the word that definitely marked the year 2024.
Frontstage Magazine: What significance do the selected German cities hold for you, and how do you tailor your shows for each location?
DK: Germany is one of the countries in Europe with a significant Balkan diaspora, so we usually have a very interesting mix of Germans, Balkan people, and everyone else – and this is a recipe for a great party. We make a little survey at the beginning of the show to check this out and then proceed accordingly. To be completely honest, shows most often tailor themselves depending on the kind and quality of local beer that almost every place in Germany offers…
Frontstage Magazine: Are there any special guests or collaborations planned during the tour?
DK: We are known for not being very good at planning. That’s why we like to say that we are very spontaneous and that we always let things happen by themselves; that’s how we get out of the hard work called planning. When it comes to guests at the concert, our only plan is that whoever wants to play, sing, or dance with us on stage just needs to get on stage.
Frontstage Magazine: How has your musical development evolved since the last tour, and how is that reflected in the current program?
DK: We are currently simultaneously recording three different EP releases in three different languages: English, Bosnian, and Spanish. We also play with different musical variations so that the songs are very stylistically and dynamically different from each other. New times have taught us to think only within the framework of one song and not to look for concepts that shape the release.
Frontstage Magazine: Our final question is always a bit unusual: If you had to assign a Disney character to each member of your band – any character – which one would it be?
DK: The seven of us are often compared to the seven rowdy and drunk dwarfs who were abandoned by the revolted Snow White. The dwarves were left without supervision and control, so one day, in an alcoholic delirium, they decided that instead of working in the mine, they would start a music group and write songs.
Wir vom Frontstage Magazine präsentieren euch in die Tour.
Tourdaten Deutschland 2025:
09.02. München – Tonhalle
11.02. Köln – Live Music Hall
12.02. Hannover – Pavillon
13.02. Berlin – Festsaal Kreuzberg
14.02. Stuttgart – Im Wizemann
29.03.2025 Hamburg – Krass Festival
04.07.2025 Augsburg – Sommer am Kiez.
Fotocredit: Goran Lizdek & Edvin Kalic