Leute, schnallt euch an, denn VRSTY hat mit „Levitate“ einen absoluten Kracher rausgehauen! Dieses Album ist wie eine Achterbahnfahrt für eure Ohren, die euch auf eine Reise mitnimmt, die ihr so schnell nicht vergessen werdet. Passend zum Album haben wir mit Frontmann Joey gesprochen. Hier findet ihr nun das ganze Interview.
Frontstage Magazine: How does „Levitate“ differ from VRSTY’s previous releases, both sonically and thematically?
Joey: I think this record feels more like me than the one before. There were a lot of sad songs on the last record, this one is less sad but more actual things that happened during my life and even how I coped.
Frontstage Magazine: What meaning and message does the band aim to convey with this album, and how is it expressed in the lyrics and music?
Joey: life happens. Sometimes you just gotta brush it off and keep it moving. I think with this record I definitely tried to be less poetic and more straight forward & everything sounds more raw.
Frontstage Magazine: Can you share insights into the creative process behind „Levitate“? Were there any particular challenges or inspiring moments during the recording?
Joey: I feel like my creative process is so boring ahaha I kinda just sit with my guitar and let whatever needs to come out come out. I can’t think of any specific challenges. Working with one of my favorite producers ever was inspiring.
Frontstage Magazine: How was the collaboration with producers like Justin Deblieck and George Lever, and how did they contribute to shaping the album’s sound?
Joey: Justin is a genius, period. I love this dude, he kinda just came in and we instantly hit it off. He knew exactly where I wanted to go with these songs with only hearing a few demos. George is a perfectionist and it definitely pushed me to do everything with a sense if ‘feeling’ behind it. I definitely think without those two this record would probably sound completely different.
Frontstage Magazine: Which songs from „Levitate“ are your personal favorites, and why? Is there a specific story or experience that particularly resonates with you in one of the tracks?
Joey: Honestly idk if I have a personally favorite. I lean towards ‘Powerless’ but I love all of these songs and am so proud of this record. There’s tons of experiences and stories crammed into this thing haha I don’t think anyone resonates more with me than another though.
Fotocredit: James Perry