Nach ihrer letzten Veröffentlichung „Burn It Down“ meldet sich die DJ und Produzentin Fortella aus Großbritannien und Norwegen mit ihrem neuesten Track „Mon Chéri“ zurück. In dieser Single verschmelzen ihre einzigartigen Klänge mit den eingängigen Vocals der deutschen Sängerin anaïs. Diese fesselnde Zusammenarbeit nimmt uns mit auf eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt und vermittelt den Zuhörenden ein Gefühl von innerer Stärke und Ermächtigung. Mit seinen mitreißenden Emotionen wird „Mon Chéri“ zweifellos die Tanzflächen weltweit in Aufruhr versetzen. Passend dazu haben wir Fortella unsere 10 Wunderfragen gestellt.
Frontstage Magazine: If you’d wake up tomorrow morning and you’re on the cover of Vogue….
Fortella: hahah, you know, that’s actually a dream. Does it feel closer now that you’ve asked me? How many female DJ’s have been on a cover actually? Combining my life (music) with my passion for fashion would be goals
Frontstage Magazine: If your musical idol called you while you’re superbusy, you’d…
Fortella: I think we all know how this would go… Usually I don’t believe in miracles but, if Calvin Harris contacted me, I’d be magically available.
Frontstage Magazine: If Jimmy Fallon invited you on his show, you’d…
Fortella: Accept, then wonder if Jimmy knows what he’s let himself in for
Frontstage Magazine: If you could choose one person to be your intern for a day,…
Fortella: Will Ferrel or Kevin Hart
Frontstage Magazine: If you could play a gig at the venue of your choice, it would be…
Fortella: ooft, SO MANY. Wow, tough. Ok, I can’t pick one indefinitely, so based on my mood right now I’d say ‘Bootshaus’. Then, for the record I’d like to play Red Rocks, Burning Man, Tomorrowland and Coachella
Frontstage Magazine: If Rolling Stone magazine invited you to do an interview, you’d…
Fortella: Be honoured and obviously decline (joking)
Frontstage Magazine: If your record label were to donate a large portion of your earnings from now on,…
Fortella: To charity? Charity / helping others is something I love to do and will be doing more of. I’d love to help others, especially those in need. I have a few ideas, now is the foundation period. Helping others, especially those who aren’t as fortunate, is something I really relate to and is close to my heart.
Frontstage Magazine: If you’d wake up tomorrow and didn’t know anything about your musical career anymore…
Fortella: I’d like to think I’d figure it out quickly as there’s lots of musical memorabilia around. I’d be pretty surprised by the platinum record on my wall with my name on.
Frontstage Magazine: If your biggest idol asked you for some advice,…
Fortella: They asked and they shall receive
Frontstage Magazine: If you could choose which country you had a number one hit in, it would be..
Fortella: If a track goes number 1 globally at the same time, does that count?
Fotocredit: LJ Jones