Nach schier unendlichem Warten ist es nun endlich da: Das ziemlich mächtige Debütalbum „Love, Drugs & MIsery“ von Eva Under Fire. Neben starken Features mit Jonathan Dörr von Ego Kill Talent und From Ashes To New, erfreut sich der Albumopener „Blow“ großer Beliebtheit, bei dem Spencer Charnas von Ice Nine Kills mitwirkt und der es auch in die Tracklist des Horrorfilms The Retaliators geschafft hat. Im Wunderfrageninterview gibt uns Frontfrau Eva Marie einen Einblick in ihre ganz persönliche Bucketlist, verrät uns was wäre, wenn es Eva Under Fire von dem einen auf den anderen Tag nicht mehr gäbe – und beweist dabei ihre unbändige Kreativität im Storytelling.
Frontstage Magazine: If you wake up tomorrow morning and you are on the cover of the Vogue, then…
Eva Marie:… I would immediately check my bank account cause if I’m on the cover of Vogue, I should be making T-Swift type money. (laughs)
Frontstage Magazine: When you leave the house and a little child or an old lady is standing in front of your door and asks for a photo with you, then…
Eva Marie:… We pose for a goofy photo shoot, no question, silly faces only.
Frontstage Magazine: If your musical idol calls you at an inopportune moment, then…
Eva Marie:… my vocalist crush is Lzzy Hale and if she randomly FaceTimed me at a “bad time”, I’d probably answer but I’d be in a messy bun with glasses and no makeup, nose deep in the middle of some crafting project, probably a new tour jacket, looking like glitter and glue exploded all over me. I get super sketchy with a glue gun.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could play a gig at the place of your choice, then…
Eva Marie:… We would be famous enough to sell out a headline show at Pine Knob Music Theater! We’d probably play the main stage to zero people if the custodian allowed us to just to check it off the bucket list but it’d be way more fun to sell it out.
Frontstage Magazine: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel earths untouched by humans, then…
Eva Marie:… I would try every single parallel dimension until I found one that had UNICORNS!
Frontstage Magazine: If you wake up tomorrow and in the morning you don’t know anything about your band, then…
Eva Marie:… Oh this would be a comedy movie in the making: It’s 10AM Saturday morning and the lead singer of Eva Under Fire has no idea who she is. She drives to Tim Hortons, orders her favorite iced cappuccino and returns home to do dishes and catch up on laundry. Later that evening, she goes to sleep expecting to continue living her normal boring life. UNTIL the morning of Friday 10/7 there’s suddenly a loud knock at the door. It’s 7 AM, waking Eva from a dead sleep. She grumpily answers the door, half awake, demanding, “who are you and why are you here at 7am?!” It’s Chris and Ed. Chris says, “ I don’t know what game you think you’re playing but pack a bag and your microphone right now. We’re here to pick you up, grab our guitars and get on a plane in an hour”. Eva is shocked as she replies, “Get on a plane to go where?!” Rob (who showed up moments after Chris, Ed and now Corey) replies with a half smile, “I don’t know how to tell you this but you’re the lead singer of rock band Eva Under Fire and you’re about to fly to Sacramento, California to play one of the biggest rock festivals in the USA… so hurry up, cause we’re playing Aftershock tomorrow”.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to decide whether you could only breathe under water or fly, then…
Eva Marie:… FLY! Absolutely fly! I would also need to either breathe in any atmosphere or hold my breath for a really long time cause I’m DEFINITELY flying passed the clouds and checking out the moon … yes I’m a nerd who has read wayyyyy too many fantasy novels.
Frontstage Magazine: If one of you dropped out of the next concert, but you had to play, then…
Eva Marie:… The only guy who has missed a show so far has been Chris soooo we would get a cardboard cutout of Chris in his onesie and Rob would have to play both guitar parts. (laughs)
Frontstage Magazine: If your biggest source of inspiration told you that your music was the biggest load of crap ever, then…
Eva Marie:… I would laugh and revoke their title! Time to look for a NEW biggest source of inspiration who is also not a jerk.
Frontstage Magazine: If someone told you they wanted to tattoo your logo or one of your song lines, then…
Eva Marie:… I would tell them “That’s amazing! If you get new Eva ink, post and tag us!!!! Also… you have a lot of catching up to do because we know a guy who currently has THREE Eva tats and counting”.
Fotocredit: Jeremy Saffer