Das Süd-Londoner Indie-Pop-Duo Arliston hat heute seine neue EP “How In Heaven“ über das bandeigene Label Sob Story Records veröffentlichen und lässt den Titeltrack der insgesamt fünf neuen Stücke für die kreative und musikalische Grundstimmung der EP sprechen. Verträumte elektronische Texturen und mächtige perkussive Schlagzeugmuster gehen hier nahtlos ineinander über, damit ein kleines Lo-Fi-Indie-Pop-Meisterwerk entsteht. Eine tiefe, nebulöse Stimme schlängelt sich darüber und setzt Erinnerungsfragmente zusammen, die davon erzählen, warum eine Beziehung gescheitert ist. Passend dazu haben wir Arliston unsere 10 Wunderfragen gestellt.
Frontstage Magazine: If you looked at your Wikipedia entry 50 years from now, it would say…
Arliston: They made people sad, people who originally were fine. Always balanced on the edge of sincere melancholia and ironic misery nonsense. History will remember them, but not fondly.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had everyone’s attention for 30 seconds, then…
Arliston: Can we all justtake amoment to appreciate how good Peep Show was? I know it’s old, but I feel like that show answered a lot of life’s big questions better (and more pessimistically) than Schopenhauer and Nietzsche put together. Quotes such as, “I suppose doing things you hate is just the price you pay to avoid loneliness”are still perfectly and uncomfortably resonant.
Frontstage Magazine: If you biggest idol asked you for some advice, it would be…
Arliston: Well, firstly, Justin Vernon can come to us for anything (if you’re reading this, Justin). But I don’t know that we’d really be able to help him with much, other than perhaps a re-confirmation that he’s an incredible musician. Actually, there is one thing; There’s a Sainsburys supermarket near us, and we’ve gotten very good at getting the best value meal-deal, so we could help Justin Vernon select a very affordable lunch.
Frontstage Magazine: If someone tells you they want to tattoo your logo or one of your song lines, then…
Arliston: We’d be extremely flattered and proud, but those feelings would be tinged with horror too.If I was going to select a lyric for tattooing, I’d say “why did I get excited” has always been a favourite of mine. As I’m constantly on a rollercoaster of overexcited anticipation and underwhelmed realization.
Frontstage Magazine: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel Earths by humans, then…
Arliston: Interdimensional travel? That would be amazing. I’d like to travel to a version of earth where I have substantially more musical talent. Or perhaps a version of earth where all the healthy food tasted delicious, and all the junk food tasted horrible.I look longingly at radishes in the supermarket, but always come out with a family-size bag of crisps.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could play a gig at the venue of your choice, then it would…
Arliston: The Brixton Electric is right next door to us, so if for nothing more than convenience, we’d love to play there.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could trade places with a musician/band for a concert…
Arliston: It would be great to kick a legend off the mainstage at Glastonbury, and hugely disappoint the crowd.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to/could band one song from your discography once and for all, then…
Arliston: We’d assassinate a song called Park, no questions asked. No remorse.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to decide whether you could only breathe under water or fly, then…
Arliston: Fly, 100%. Of course! You can basically already fly underwater in short bursts. Plus, scuba gear already exists, whereas jet packs can be a bit temperamental and explode-y.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could pick which country you had a number 1 hit in, it would be…
Arliston: Tempted to go for the US for this one, as obviously they’re an enormous market. But, on the other hand I feel like they’re too enthusiastic of a culture for Arliston. Too optimistic. They may never ‘get’ us. On the other hand, Germany have had some of the best/most depressed thinkers in history (as previously mentioned), so I feel like Arliston would be much more up their street.
Die Ep findet ihr z:b. hier.
Fotocredit: Wolf James