Elegant, ätherisch, sanft und dennoch dramatisch – so lässt sich die Musik von Aiko am besten beschreiben. In Tschechien aufgewachsen und mittlerweile in London lebend, veröffentlichte Aiko vor kurzem ihren Track „I Want To Be Perfect“. Aiko sagt über ihren Track: “Die Textzeile ‘Nothing tastes as good as perfection’ ist die perfekte Beschreibung für den Song. Das Stück lässt uns in die Gedankenwelt eines Perfektionisten blicken, der dazu bereits ist, alles Erdenkliche zu tun, nur um das zu erreichen, was er will. Gleichzeitig handelt der Song von der Kehrseite des Perfektionismus und wie widersprüchlich dieses Konzept sein kann. Wenn man geduldig und schnell, cool und demütig sein will und auch alles gerade so wahrnehmen möchte – all das zur gleichen Zeit. ‘I Want To Be Perfect” ist ein sehr persönlicher Track eines Einzelkindes von Migranteneltern – was von dir erwartet wird, ist nichts Geringeres als Perfektion, sodass du dir diese Standards beim Heranwachsen selbst setzt.” Dies nahmen wir zum Anlass, um Aiko unsere 10 Wunderfragen zu stellen.
Frontstage Magazine: If someone tells you they want to tattoo your logo or one of your song lines, then…
Aiko: I’d be so flattered! We could choose together, or if they’d fancy it, I’d love to do it in my handwriting. I’d also ask why they chose the bit they chose, because it’s really interesting how every person interprets your lyrics differently, so I’d love to know the meaning to them!
Frontstage Magazine: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel Earths untouched by humans, then…
Aiko: We’d be living in a happy world, maybe people would finally be in the place they wanted to! It’s an interesting question though, that if we wanted to meet, would we agree on a parallel universe we’re all flying to? Or we’d have to meet back on earth?
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to decide whether you could only breathe under water or fly, then…
Aiko: This is easy, fly! I’ve always been a tiny bit envious of birds, the freedom you get with flying. And another part is that all the underwater creatures scare me a bit.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to/could ban one song from your discography once and for all, then…
Aiko: Uff haha, I think I’d go for my first ever created song Religion. I had no clue what I’m doing, so it’s not fitting me genre wise, at all. Or maybe Highway, just because I’ve heard it so so many times I sort of… grew out of it?
Frontstage Magazine: If you looked at your Wikipedia entry 50 years from now, it would say …
Aiko: Hopefully something, that I’d be proud of! Using my young years well, but then again, I’m pretty sure I’ll be an active, cool grandma.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had everyone’s attention for 30 seconds, then…
Aiko: Do a performance, make everyone sing together! If I can make everyone feel happy, with a sense of belonging for 30 seconds, what more do you need?
Frontstage Magazine: If you could pick which country you had a number 1 hit in, it would be….
Aiko: UK – it seems that many popular artists peak here before the world picks up as well. Plus, I live here!
Frontstage Magazine: If you could play a gig at the venue of your choice, then…
Aiko: There would be multiple – starting with my childhood dreams of selling out arenas like O2 in London or Madison Square Garden. Another part of me would love to do a gig in a Baroque church, with their special atmosphere and interesting acoustics.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could trade places with a musician/band for a concert…
Aiko: Depends on what you mean by trading places. If it would be within a band, I’d love to be a drummer for a bit – if I had the skills of course haha. It seems like a lot of fun, there’s so much energy in it! And if it means by trading places with a different musician, I’d love to become Lady Gaga for a day. Being a singer, actor, running a business, combined with her very experimental style and such cool stage presence, I’d love to have a peek into her mind!
Frontstage Magazine: If your biggest idol asked you for some advice, it would be…
Aiko: Don’t loose your inner child! Keep being curious, exploring and trying different and new
things. I often feel that we start to fade, is the moment we don’t have that inner flame for
Fotocredit: David Poláček