Im November kündigte die Band De Staat mit der Single “Numbers Up” ihr besonderes Projekt „(red) (yellow) (blue)“ an. Zusammengefasst als eine große Kollektion an Songs werden diese jeweils in die Primärfarben Rot, Gelb und Blau unterteilt, um so die verschiedenen Stimmungen der Stücke zu untermalen. Fernab des typischen Album- und Singleformates werden so im Verlauf des kommenden Jahres 2022 vier bunte Releasepakete mit jeweils drei Songs unterschiedlicher Farbe präsentiert. Wir nahmen uns dies als Anlass mit Keyboarder und Sänger Rocco Bell unsere „10 Wunderfragen“ zu stellen. Was wir witziges in Erfahrung bringen konnten, das erfahrt ihr im Interview.
Frontstage Magazine: If you wake up tomorrow and don’t know anything about your band in the morning…
Rocco Hueting: At first, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. De Staat has been the biggest part of my life for the last 14 years almost. I’ll probably start a new band as soon as possible. Music has to be made.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could trade places with a musician/band for a concert….
Rocco Hueting: Thundercat.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could pick which country you had a number 1 hit in, it would be…
Rocco Hueting: Deutschland.
Frontstage Magazine: If you looked at your Wikipedia entry tem years from now, it would say …
Rocco Hueting: Still playing with De Staat and loving it.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could host your own festival, then….
Rocco Hueting: I would have five different artists on their own stages for three whole days. They can play whatever they want, whenever they want.
Frontsage Magazine: If someone tells you they want to tattoo your logo or one of your song lines, then …
Rocco Hueting: I would recommend getting „LOOK AT ME WHILE MY HAIR IS FALLING OUT“ right across their forehead. Last week I got a DM from a loveley fan. She wanted to get a „Still Here Kid“ (also from „Look at Me„) tattoo on her arm and wanted it in my handwriting. No problemo, love it!
Frontstage Magazine: When your biggest source of inspiration tells you that your music is the biggest piece of crap ever, you…
Rocco Hueting: For me, our music is the most important thing in the world. So I would love to hear their argumentation before the gloves come off!
Frontstage Magazine: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel Earths untouched by humans, then…
Rocco Hueting: I would travel to a world made out of synthesizers. Everything makes and manipulates sounds. Making noises all day long!
Frontstage Magazine: If your biggest idol asked you for some advice, it would be….
Rocco Hueting: get a Korg MS10, the coolest synth ever made.
Frontstage Magazine: If one of you drops out at the next concert, but you have to play, then….
Rocco Hueting: We all do so many different things on stage, in our own specific ways, I would have a bad time for sure!
Fotocredit: Alexander Popelier