Die britisch-irische unabhängige visuelle/musikalische Dom-Pop-Künstlerin SAFIRE stammt aus Hackney, East London. Sie ist eine Multiinstrumentalistin, Autorin und Produzentin, die Metal, Beats und Pop mischt und dabei Themen wie Frauenpower, Dominanz und Krieg umsetzt.Jetzt wird’s dunkel. Brandneu und exklusiv von einer Künstlerin, die als SAFIRE bekannt ist. Gothic-Pop/Rock mit diesem dunklen Twist und so einer strahlenden Zukunft. Was für eine Art, sein Debüt zu geben. Vor zwei Wochen erschien die Single „Out For Blood„. Passend dazu haben wir SAFIRE 10 Wunderfragen gestellt.
Frontstage Magazine: If one of you drops out at the next concert, but you have to play, then…
SAFIRE: That would be interesting as I’m a solo artist. Cloning!
Frontstage Magazine: If you looked at your Wikipedia entry 10 years from now, it would say …
SAFIRE: Cured misogyny one dominant track at a time. Nah! Haha! Who knows. I’d like to think that I’d have done
something worthwhile as well as having been able to have a successful and meaningful career in music.
Frontstage Magazine: If your biggest idol asked you for some advice, it would be….
SAFIRE: Well, with MJ being dead it would be scary as fuck. I’m not one of those people in horror films that hangs about and goes back in the bloody house. I’d peg it! No way I’m hanging around to give advice.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could host your own festival, then…
SAFIRE: It would be full of the baddest bitches performing and the tickets wouldn’t cost the earth. None of this astronomical pricing that you could travel abroad and stay at all an inclusive hotel for.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could trade places with a musician/band for a concert….
SAFIRE: Probably Tool. I’d like to know what that feels like. Their audiences ADORE them and are so passionate about their music. It must be an epic experience.
Frontstage Magazine: If your absolute favorite band/artist would play with you in the opening program, then…
SAFIRE: We’d have to play all of my favourite songs! Epic things!
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to do any job well for the rest of your life, you would…
SAFIRE: This. I’d just write music, perform it and all the things inbetween. I can’t imagine doing anything else.
Frontstage Magazine: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel Earths untouched by humans, then…
SAFIRE: I for one would be headed off for a nice lil holiday whenever things get too hectic here. I’d like to travel to the past and dress up in Viking armour and hang out with the Egyptians.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had everyone’s attention for 30 seconds, then…
SAFIRE: It would be awkward as fuck woudn’t it. I’d like to say that I’d make some grand statement and change lives but I’d probably make some lame dad joke.
Fotocredit: Offizielles Pressefoto/ Singlecover