Nach Auftritten beim The Great Escape, Eurosonic und Reeperbahn Festival gilt YellowStraps als Geheimtipp unter Fans von King Krule bis James Blake. Von der internationalen Tastemaker-Presse als Neo-Soul-Wunderkind gefeiert, macht sich der Belgier mit seinem Solodebütalbum „tentacle“ (VÖ: 27.01.) auf die Suche nach „unbeschreiblichen Emotionen„. Bevor das Album nun erscheint, haben wir YellowStraps unsere 10 Wunderfragen gestellt.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could trade places with a musician/band for a concert….
YellowStraps: Definitely Kendrick Lamar! His show was on a level of perfection that i’ve never experienced before!
Frontstage Magazine: If one of you drops out at the next concert, but you have to play, then…
YellowStraps: I would say that it’s part of the show to make it less awkward and less embarrassing
Frontstage Magazine: If you looked at your Wikipedia entry 10 years from now, it would say …
YellowStraps: I would have write a subliminal message in it, coming from my future me, saying that everything is possible 🙂
Back in the days i think i was a bit afraid to make music as a living. That’s probably why it took some time to achieve this new album. But i guess everything happens for a reason..
Frontstage Magazine: If you could host your own festival, then…
YellowStraps: Then i would try to rob all the banks in the world to have enough money to have my dream line up with all my favorite artists
Frontstage Magazine: If your absolute favorite band/artist would play with you in the opening program, then…
YellowStraps: I would definitely try to jump on a stage and make a song together 🙂
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to do any job well for the rest of your life, you would…
YellowStraps: I would stick to music! That’s the only job i could do for the rest of my life
Frontstage Magazine: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel Earths untouched by humans, then…
YellowStraps: I would probably be curious to see all the versions of myself in every parallel earths
Frontstage Magazinre: If your biggest idol asked you for some advice, it would be….
YellowStraps: It would be surreal! I guess i won’t believe it’s true haha. Actually few years ago Tom Misch asked my brother how we did to play our electronic beats live with a band. That’s kinda crazy seeing where he is now
Frontstage Magazine: If you had everyone’s attention for 30 seconds, then…
YellowStraps: I would play 30 seconds of a song of the new album and hope that people will like it in only 30 seconds 🙂
Frontstage Magazine: If you wake up tomorrow and don’t know anything about your band in the morning…
YellowStraps: I would probably think that i’m still dreaming then we will go into a huge improvised jam pretending we’ve been playing for years all together
Fotocredit: Emilien Itim