Mads Langer ist mit mehreren Multi-Platin-Singles sowie Alben und über einhundert Millionen Streams der erfolgreichste Solo-Künstler Dänemarks. In Deutschland weckte er erstmals 2009 mit seiner Single „You’re Not Alone“ Aufmerksamkeit. Nachdem er sich lange Zeit auf sein Heimatland konzentriert hat, meldet er sich jetzt mit seinem neuen Album „Where The Oceans Meet“ (erschien am 01.10.2021) wieder zurück. Grund genug, dass sich Mads unserer Interview-Rubrik „10 Wunderfragen“ stellt. Lest kurz und bündig, ob er beispielsweise einen seiner Songs aus seiner Diskografie verbannen würde.
Frontstage Magazine: If you wake up tomorrow morning and you’re on the cover of the New York Times, then…
Mads Langer: would have a hard time believing that I wasn’t dreaming. Every time I visit NYC I get a copy of the New York Times and bring it home with me. It’s a great memory of all the times I’ve been there. I lived there for a year and it is still one of my absolute favourite places in the world.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to do any job well for the rest of your life, you would….
Mads Langer: Keep doing what I do. I was born to do this and I can’t think of any other path in life. It is more than a job. Music is my job, but it is also my teacher, my friend, my lover, my favourite sport, my therapist, my mother tongue and my safe place.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could play a gig at the venue of your choice, then….
Mads Langer: I would probably choose Wembley Stadium. It seems like the artist who have played there are more or less able to handpick any venue of any size or location in the world afterwards. That would be a pretty awesome place to be…
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to decide whether you could only breathe underwater or fly, you…
Mads Langer: Would fly. I have many vivid dreams flying around. I’m a certified diver, but a bird’s perspective is always gonna be my choice. It reminds us how small we are and how precious this planet that we were lucky enough to get to live on deserves to be treated with care and respect.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to/ could ban one song from your discography once and for all, then…
Mads Langer: I couldn’t do it. My songs are like my tattoos. They are all part of my life and part of my history. I may be more proud of some of my songs than others, but I still feel that all my songs have been part of my journey and my development as a songwriter.
Frontstage Magazine: When your biggest source of inspiration tells you that your music is the biggest piece of crap ever, you…
Mads Langer: know that I was still dreaming.
Frontstage Magazine: If your absolute favorite band/artist would play with you in the opening program, then…
Mads Langer: I would watch them every night and ask them if I could join them on stage. Also I would spend as much time with them when we weren’t on stage to get to know them better and to learn as much as I could from them. Obviously I would hope that the Beatles would do a feature with me.
Frontstage Magazine: If someone tells you they want to tattoo your logo or one of your song lines, then …
Mads Langer: I would tell them that I was really honoured and I would ask them if they wanted me to do the tattoo for them.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had everyone’s attention for 30 seconds, then …
Mads Langer: I would sing the intro of my song Monsters In My Mind and hope that a good portion of them would still be listening after the 30 seconds had gone. And then when the song was over I would hope that people would wanna listen to the rest of my new album that I would perform live right there at that moment. If there were still a few of them around after the 40 mins of music I would tell them how grateful I was that they were still there.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could trade places with a musician/band for a concert….
Mads Langer: I would trade place with Ed Sheehan’s audience. I’m pretty sure that my fans would really love his stuff and be grateful that I introduced such a talented artist to their lives.
Fotocredit: Søren Rønholt