Die schottische Band Vukovi ist bekannt für ihren kraftvollen Sound und ihre provokanten Themen. Mit ihrem neuen Album „My God Has Got a Gun“ präsentieren sie ein Werk, das tief in die emotionalen und mentalen Herausforderungen des Lebens eintaucht. In unserem Gespräch mit der Band erfahren wir, welche Geschichten und Prozesse hinter dem Album stehen, wie der kreative Schaffensprozess in intensiven Wochen der Zusammenarbeit entstand und welche Bedeutung Themen wie mentale Gesundheit und persönliche Weiterentwicklung für die Band haben. Außerdem sprechen wir über ihre beeindruckenden Live-Shows und darüber, wie sie diese Energie in ihre Musik einfließen lassen. Zum Abschluss gewähren sie uns sogar einen kleinen Einblick in ihre Vorstellungskraft, wie ein Disney-Song von Vukovi klingen könnte.
Frontstage Magazine: “MY GOD HAS GOT A GUN” is a very provocative title. What’s behind this title, and what do you hope to communicate with this album?
Vukovi: It’s whatever the listener perceives it to be. We have our own meanings but I really thrive off what other people take from it. This album was created through a very stressful time in our lives for various reasons and I hope it gives off the power of a survivor trying to navigate themselves through life and in search of answers.
Frontstage Magazine: The album was created during intense weeks of collaboration. How would you describe the creative process, and how did the dynamics within the band evolve during production?
Vukovi: We deliberately wanted to isolate ourselves when writing this record to bring out our authentic selves and not take on too much outside influence. That is terrifying when it comes to letting other people hear what you’ve done and hope it’s not shit.
Frontstage Magazine: The album’s artwork was painted by you, Janine. What was your inspiration for the cover, and how does it reflect the themes of the album?
Vukovi:I was going through some intense therapy during the writing process of this album and I discovered that painting after each session was a was for me to exorcise emotions that I didn’t have words for.
Frontstage Magazine: Your music often tackles deep themes like mental health and the human condition. What are the key messages you want to convey with this album, and what role does music play in processing these themes?
Vukovi: Facing your shadows head on and seeing it through even though you feel like you’re reliving every second during the process. It’s hard and terrifying and you feel like you’re going mad but there was a light at the end and for me I gained so much inner power and confidence from it. We didn’t overthink the music’s role, it just sort of happened primally and instinctually. It feels like an action horror soundtrack with some disgusting riffs and drums fills.
Frontstage Magazine: You’ve built an impressive live show over the years. How does the energy you feel on stage differ from the energy you experience in the studio during album production, and how does VUKOVI manage to translate that energy into the music?
Vukovi: You’re feeding off of real human energy live and that just can’t be replicated anywhere else. It taken us a long time to develop that craft of translating that kind of energy into the music
Frontstage Magazine: The last question is always a little out of left field! Imagine Disney knocks on your door and asks you to write a song for a Disney movie (from the years 1970-2024). Which film would it be, and why?
Vukovi: Maleficent comes to mind, the moment she realised her wings had been cut off 🙁
Fotocredit: Cameron Brisbane