Tempt sind auf dem besten Weg zum Rock-Olymp. Doch bevor ihnen die Zeit für Plaudereien ausgeht, haben wir Sänger Zach Allen kurzerhand unsere 10 Wunderfragen gestellt. So wie wir ihn kennen, präsentiert er uns im Gespräch nicht nur seinen Charme und beweist seine Spontanität, sondern plaudert auch mit Witz und Humor über ein paar interessante Gedankenspiele. Was würde passieren, wenn sein Idol ihn anrufen würde? Welchen Ort würde er für ein Konzert seiner Wahl wählen? Und welches Gesetz würde er am liebsten verabschieden? Die Antworten von Zach? Lest am besten selbst!
Frontstage Magazine: If your musical idol calls you at an inopportune moment, then…
Zach Allen: …“BEEP- you’ve reached Zach please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
Frontstage Magazine: If you could organize your own festival, then…
Zach Allen: Priority one would be BATHROOMS! I would equip the festival with the finest bathroom options out there. There have to be plenty of bathrooms at a festival, and at my festival, each bathroom would be equipped with a Japanese toilet, for the latest in bathroom technology. Then I would make sure there was a Moink ball stand. For those who don’t know, Moink balls are meatballs wrapped in bacon with bbq sauce. Harrison and I had them when we played Rocklahoma and they are life changing. I would line up a bunch of major sponsors so that tickets could be free! Then I would book all my favorite bands, like Green Day, The Killers, Muse, QOTSA, and Bring Me The Horizon to play the festival.
Frontstage Magazine: If the most important invention for you personally never worked again, then…
Zach Allen: Hands down The Flowbee. How else would I keep the band looking so sharp? When you’re a young band you have to be cost conscious and The Flowbee saves us a bundle. Second place is obviously The Bedazzler for the same reasons.
Frontstage Magazine: If your absolute favourite band/artist were to open for you, then…
Zach Allen: I would ask them, “What the hell happened to you guys? I love you guys. Now you’re opening for us?” Then I would invite them on stage during our set to play a song with us each night and I would make sure they never got the dreaded “opener sound” and give them full use of our lights, stage, etc. They would still have to use the tiny dressing room and no guarantee on sound checks.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to do any job well for the rest of your life, then…
Zach Allen: I’m a big sports fan so I’d be the keeper of The Stanley Cup. You get to have an awesome haircut and put on these spiffy white gloves to handle it and treat it delicately so that you can deliver it to the players to drink beer out of. Just taking it out of the case would be a thrill.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could play a gig at the place of your choice, then…
Zach Allen: I would play Red Rocks in Colorado but have it packed with fans from Europe. The music fans in Europe are the best.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to decide whether you could only breathe under water or fly, then
Zach Allen: Fly! Ever since I heard R. Kelly sing “I believe I can fly…” I’ve wanted to fly. Wait a second, are we allowed to mention R. Kelly? I think he was canceled. Change that to The Foo Fighters “Learn To Fly” or maybe something not so on the nose, Tom Petty’s Free Fallin’.
Frontstage Magazine: If someone told you they wanted to tattoo your logo or one of your song lines, then …
Zach Allen: I would tell them please don’t do that. Our logo is likely to change. Get a T-shirt instead.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could pass a law, then…
Zach Allen: I would abolish all of the extra fees for concerts and make Elizabeth Hurley queen of the world.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to swap jobs with Karl Lagerfeld or Steve Jobs, then…
Zach Allen: Forget those guys, I want to be Lagerfeld’s Cat Choupette!
Fotocredit: Abi Raymaker / Offizielles Pressebild