Goose gründeten sich vor zwei Jahrzehnten und feierten Erfolge an der Spitze des Crossover zwischen elektronischer Musik und Rock. Nun erneuert die Band sich, indem sie zurück nach Hause kehrt und sich auf ihre Stärken konzentriert: „Endless“, ihr kommendes Album, ist ein kraftvolles, dynamisches Projekt voller Energie und Emotion bei dem Goose alles einsetzen, was sie gelernt haben um alles zu verwirklichen, was sie noch erreichen möchten. Morgen erscheint das neue Album. Dies nahmen wir uns zum Anlass, Goose unsere „10 Wunderfragen An“ zu stellen. Was wir witziges erfahren haben, das lest ihr nun hier.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could trade places with a musician/band for a concert, then
Goose: We’d like to be Air’s backing band on Jools Holland instead of Phoenix. The idea of backing an other act has always been something we’d like to do one day. Just playing every night, without having too much attention on yourself, just pure fun, just music all day, every day.
Frontstage Magazine: If one of you drops out at the next concert, but you have to play, then
Goose: We’d be stuck! We often joke about who would replace any of us, but hopefully it can stay a joke, because the magic that the four of us have on stage is not something that you can re-create by replacing a member. So we’d rather postpone the show and give our audience the real deal!
Frontstage Magazine: If you looked at your Wikipedia entry 10 years from now, it would say
Goose: That we’re still touring and making records, that Mickael now lives in Portugal, Bert spends his free time surfing, Dave is touring the world taking photographs and Tom makes champagne on his vineyard somewhere in France.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could host your own festival, then
Goose: We’d make sure the food is outstanding and adventurous and toilets are cleaned every 30 mins. And musically, it would be very ecclectic and we’d like to keep it rather small and intimate.
Frontstage Magazine: If your absolute favorite band/artist would play with you in the opening program, then
Goose: We’d try to stay cool and hope we can somehow build a relationship without it being weird. It’s always very awkward meeting your idols, it’s like your IQ drops within the first second and you can’t come up with anything natural to say 😉
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to do any job well for the rest of your life,
Goose: I think I’d like to be a personal driver/assistant. Keeping my client safe and on time would be my motto!
Frontstage Magazine: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel Earths untouched by humans, then
Goose: I’m not sure we would be better of… I’m afraid the human kind would end up making a mess of other planets like they’re doing with planet earth. Unless we’d see it as a fresh and clean start and do it well, with respect for mother nature this time around.
Frontstage Magazine: If your biggest idol asked you for some advice, it would
Goose: Be my pleasure and I’d take as much time for him as for anyone else.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had everyone’s attention for 30 seconds, then
Goose: I’d blow them a kiss.
Frontstage Magazine: If you wake up tomorrow and don’t know anything about your band in the morning
Goose: I’d probably had a good night out! Hahaha!
Fotocredit: Charlie De Keersmaecker