Mit ihrem fünften Studioalbum „Fix Yourself, Not The World“, das am 14. Januar 2022 über AWAL veröffentlicht wird, starten die Indie-Helden The Wombats die nächste Phase ihrer sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Erfolgsgeschichte. Die Band hat ihr neues Album im vergangenen Jahr von ihren jeweiligen Wohnorten aus aufgenommen und hart daran gearbeitet, am besten einige der fesselndsten, einfallsreichsten und zukunftsweisendsten Stücke ihrer bisherigen Karriere zu produzieren. Dies nahmen wir zum Anlass, um Schlagzeuger Dan Haggis unsere „10 Wunderfragen an“ zustellen.
Frontstage: If you could trade places with a musician/band for a concert….
Dan: I’d want to be Stevie Nicks for a night, she has one of my favourite voices and to perform with Fleetwood Mac would be amazing!
Frontstage: If one of you drops out at the next concert, but you have to play, then…
Dan: 2 of us would carry on with the show using only nose flutes and didgeridoos to reinterpret our songs.
Frontstage: If you looked at your Wikipedia entry 10 years from now, it would say …
Dan: The Wombats 5th album became their most successful album of all time and the members of the band spent all of their money on becoming robots. They didn’t think it through enough though and when taking a long walk in the rain one night, the 3 of them got so rusty they could no longer move and you can now find them on a beach in north Liverpool. Apparently, if you look close enough, you can still see their eyes move.
Frontstage: If you could host your own festival, then…
Dan: It would be the world’s most eco friendly festival, it would look a bit like a scene on Pandora, from the film Avatar. James Cameron would design the whole ‘look’ of the festival and there would be many stages, each with a specific genre of music. The festival would last for about 2 weeks and be an immersive experience.
Frontstage: If your absolute favorite band/artist would play with you in the opening program, then…
Dan: Neil Young and Bon Iver would join us for the most harmonious of openings the world had ever seen…
Frontstage: If you had to do any job well for the rest of your life, you would…
Dan: Teach kids music and try to pass on my enthusiasm for the art form.
Frontstage: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel Earths untouched by humans, then…
Dan: I guess there’d be mass colonisations of these other parallel Earths and we’d probably go and start wrecking other Earths too! I’d probably just stay here to be honest, we can’t really do concerts without humans…
Frontstage: If your biggest idol asked you for some advice, it would be….
Dan: Whatever you do, always give 100%. (Unless you’re donating blood.)
Frontstage: If you had everyone’s attention for 30 seconds, then…
Dan: I’d play them the opening riff to ‚Ready For The High‘, from our new album. (Shameless plug).
Frontstage: If you wake up tomorrow and don’t know anything about your band in the morning…
Dan: I’d start making lots of songs about chronic memory loss… then start a new band called ‘The Forget-Me-Nots’.
Fotocredit: Tom Oxley