Wir freuen uns, euch heute eine vielversprechende Newcomerin vorstellen zu dürfen, von der wir in diesem Jahr noch viel erwarten dürfen. Nachdem sie zuletzt bereits als gefragte Feature-Künstlerin eine ganze Reihe von beeindruckenden Hits vorweisen konnte, betritt die isländische Sängerin ÁSDÍS nun endlich die Bühne als Solokünstlerin und präsentiert stolz ihre Debütsingle „Angel Eyes„. Mit Tracks wie „Dirty Dancing“ zusammen mit Glockenbach, „Release“ featuring 220 Kid oder auch „WOW“ mit Toby Romeo hat ÁSDÍS in letzter Zeit für Furore gesorgt. Allein diese drei Songs haben zusammen Streamzahlen im dreistelligen Millionenbereich erreicht. „Dirty Dancing“ stürmte zudem die deutschen Top-25-Charts und erreichte Platz 3 in den Airplay-Charts. Die talentierte Newcomerin vom WEFOR-Labelcamp setzt ihre Erfolgsserie zu Beginn dieses Jahres mit „Gravity“ (zusammen mit twocolors; über 5 Millionen Streams) fort und geht nun den nächsten Schritt mit „Angel Eyes„. Passend zu ihrer neuen Single haben wir ÁSDÍS einige Fragen gestellt.
Frontstage Magazine: You’ve mentioned a diverse range of musical influences, from ABBA to Otis Redding, Joni Mitchell to Frank Ocean, as well as Lady Gaga and Beyoncé. How do you manage to blend all these different elements together in your contemporary pop approach?
ÁSDÍS: I just feel inspired by so many great musicians. When I create I can only hope people hear the influence. Sometimes even just the mood of one song can inspire you to create a totally different one and then it changes and shape-shifts but it can all be linked together somehow!
Frontstage Magazine: Your debut solo single „Angel Eyes“ combines danceability with profound themes. Could you tell us more about the inspiration behind this song and how you achieve that balance between a party atmosphere and meaningful content?
ÁSDÍS:I appreciate that! Any type of song can be meaningful because most of the time what I’m feeling is what’s gonna come out no matter what. When I wrote „Angel Eyes“ I felt like my behaviour was being scrutinized. The song is about jealousy and guilt and thinking it’s unfair that people that have a certain demeanor get away with things that I would never get away with. Comparison kills individuality and that’s the struggle that I’m bringing with „Angel Eyes“. Why this person and not me? I feel that even though the beat is fast paced and danceable it captures the desperation and the urgency of the song.
Frontstage Magazine: „Angel Eyes“ explores the dilemma of a rival „Bad Girl“ figure consistently perceived as a „Good Girl.“ What personal experiences or ideas inspired you to address this specific theme in your song?
ÁSDÍS:I definitely created rivals out of people based off my own insecurities, but I feel like that is what I was programmed to do in a way, the idea of a good and bad has been placed on women to encourage them to act one way or the other and fit them the into a box. Madonna vs the whore etc. and I’ve felt that pressure for sure. They’re both unattainable to embody completely which is why the idea of „Angel Eyes“ isn’t real and still so easy to fall for.
Frontstage Magazine: Your first solo track generates a compelling pull towards the dance floor. How do you manage to create this magnetic energy and which elements do you believe contribute the most to getting people swept up in your music?
ÁSDÍS:I’m quite an excitable person generally. Don’t get me wrong I definitely need some alone time to just be in my emotions but if I go out, you will find me on the dancefloor only. That is where I belong and I bring that with me to the studio.
Frontstage Magazine: Our final question always stands out a bit: With which artist from the rock genre would you like to collaborate, and why?
ÁSDÍS: Lenny Kravitz for sure. I feel like I don’t even have to explain but he is the king of rock and he could melt the people away with some sexy guitar riff and an even sexier voice.
Fotocredit: Mischa Lorenz