Die vier Deutschlandkonzerte des Österreichischen DJs und Electro-Swing Pioneers Parov Stelar werden aufgrund der anhaltenden Lage aus dem April in den Winter 2022 verlegt. Alle bereits erworbenen Tickets behalten für die Nachholtermine ihre Gültigkeit.
Statement des Künstlers:
„Hi All,
Once again the Corona virus disrupted our touring plans for early 2022.
Once again we are limited as to when we can move the existing tour dates.
Once again we are very sad, because we were so looking forward to touring in spring. And once again we have to understand that there are forces which are stronger than us.That said, we are able to announce new dates for the Venom Tour 2022, which represent the earliest possible opportunity for us to be together again. All tickets remain valid and will be automatically transferred. The longer we are apart the more we can’t wait to see you all again.
Stay healthy, stay strong, we miss you!
Parov Stelar & Band“
Venom Tour 2022
24.11.2022 Hamburg – Zeltphilharmonie //verlegt vom 14.04.2022
26.11.2022 Berlin – UFO/Velodrom //verlegt vom 16.04.2022
15.12.2022 Köln – Palladium //verlegt vom 13.04.2022
17.12.2022 München – Zenith //verlegt vom 12.04.2022
Fotocredit: Kevin Randy Emmers