James Hersey gelang der Durchbruch mit seiner Single „Miss You“, die innerhalb von 8 Wochen über 15 Millionen mal gestreamt wurde. Das Besondere an dem Musiker ist, dass er es wie kaum ein anderer schafft den Spagat zwischen Electropop und Singer-Songwriter wie eine Leichtigkeit aussehen zu lassen. Am 17.09.2021 erschien das lang erwartete Album „Fiction“ – dessen Singles „Forget (About Everyone Else)“, „Closer (feat. Chromeo)“ sowie „Souvenir“ die Erwartung hochgeschraubt hatten. Im Rahmen unserer Rubrik „10 Wunderfragen an…“ hat er uns unter anderem verraten in welchem Land er gern einen Nummer-1-Hit hätte und ob er irgendwas aus seiner Diskografie streichen wollen würde.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could pick which country you had a number 1 hit in, it would be….
James Hersey: The US so I could play on SNL.
Frontstage Magazine: If you could get the opinion of a person of your choice before the release of your next album, then…
James Hersey: I’m not too worried about opinions, but if I could ask anyone for help on my next album today I’d probably go to E*Vax and Mike of Ratatat.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to / could ban one song from your discography once and for all, then…
James Hersey: It would probably be Between Us, off my new album. It’s so two-sided, knowing that a relationship is toxic but still wanting it back. It needed to be written because I think everyone goes through that at some point, but if you made me choose right now that’d be the cut.
Frontstage Magazine: If, starting tomorrow, every human being could travel back and forth to any number of parallel Earths untouched by humans, then…
James Hersey: There would be enough space for everyone to live a happy and healthy life.
Frontstage Magazine: If your biggest idol asked you for some advice, it would be….
James Hersey: To stay the course. You got there for a reason, don’t try to change it all up just cause you’re feeling insecure.
Frontstage Magazine: When your biggest source of inspiration tells you that your music is the biggest piece of crap ever, you…
James Hersey: Stop talking to them.
Frontstage Magazine: If someone tells you they want to tattoo your logo or one of your song lines, then …
James Hersey: I ask them to send a picture.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had everyone’s attention for 30 seconds, then …
James Hersey: I’d tell them it doesn’t matter what people think, they should do and think what they feel is right in their heart of hearts.
Frontstage Magazine: If you had to decide whether you could only breathe under water or fly, then…
James Hersey: I’d definitely fly.
Frontstage Magazine: If you were allowed to pass a law, then….
James Hersey: Everyone would get a universal basic income that covers food and shelter.
Fotocredit: Neema Sadeghi