Brimheim wohnt in Kopenhagen mit ihrer Frau und macht bezaubernden und treibenden Indie-Rock: Caroline Polachek meets PJ Harvey. Ihre Musik ist unerwartet doch eingängig, mit charmanter Aufrichtigkeit und Verletzlichkeit.
Am 23. September veröffentlichte Brimheim ihre neue Single “poison fizzing on a tongue” zusammen mit einem zauberhaften Video. Im Song geht es darum, sich aus den Fesseln einer toxischen Beziehung zu befreien, sei es zu einer Person oder zu eigenen einschränkenden Gedankenmustern.
„The song is about being trapped in a claustrophobic space with someone, or something, that’s toxic. The story dually represents a romantic entanglement with a narcissist or psychopath, and also my mental entanglement with patriarchal ideals, which the antagonist personifies. Emblematic of my own struggle with internalised sexism. Toxic things are often alluring at first, but eventually, the truth will reveal itself and suddenly you understand that you’re trapped, isolated and have stepped out of your power. Slowly but surely your boundaries have crumbled one by one”. „The protagonist is not beyond resurrection though, and becomes compelled to liberate herself, despite the intense challenge this presents. She has identified the manipulation and is full of regret and shame, yet now feels emboldened to fight. To emerge from the fog and begin moving back towards who she truly is. No matter how down-trodden you feel, there is always a glimmer of inner power and in the end this desire for freedom will conquer the fear”. – Brimheim über den Song
Fotocredit: Offizielles Pressefoto