The Bronx, die „tollwütige, kämpferische… und unerbittliche“ (Consequence of Sound) Rockband aus Los Angeles, deren fortlaufende Diskografie die Gruppe durch eine fast zwei Jahrzehnte lange Karriere geführt hat, veröffentlicht das von Joe Baressi produzierte Album „Bronx VI“ am 27. August via Cooking Vinyl.
Guitarrist Joby Ford äußert sich wie folgt zum neuen Album:
“I’m excited. From day one we really decided that we wanted to make a record that went in different directions and places. The thing I like a lot about it is that everybody contributed songs. It’s not just Joby J. Ford guitars with Matt singing over it. I loved listening to what other people wrote, and I think those differences and nuances really come through.”
Sänger Matt Caughthran ergänzt:
“We’ve known each other for a long time, and we’re such good friends and we’re so tight creatively, but we’re still learning stuff about each other, especially when it comes to the process of creating an album. Brad and Ken are just coming out as songwriters and we’re learning to write songs as a group around ideas they bring to the table. This is a really important record for us growth-wise because it kicked down a lot of doors that needed to be kicked down. I feel like now going forward the sky is the limit.”
Mit “White Shadow” liefern The Bronx einen ersten Vorgeschmack für das kommende Album. Matt beschreibt „White Shadows“ wie folgt: “a song about spiraling. Wild eyed Guitars, drums, and bass mixed with a high speed chase and a frantic mind unraveling. CLASSIC FUCKING BRONX.”
Fotocredit: Mike Miller