Nach dem Start ihrer neuen fanorientierten Plattform Sleeps Society und der Ankündigung ihres fünften Albums mit dem Titel „SLEEPS SOCIETY“ hat die Band aus Sheffield Me While She Sleeps ihre neue Single „YOU ARE ALL YOU NEED“ enthüllt.
Der Titel ist auf dem kommenden Album zu sehen, das am 16. April über Sleeps Brothers / Spinefarm Records veröffentlicht werden soll.
Gitarrist Sean Long zur neuen Single: “We somehow managed to inject enough personal inspiration from each member for it to completely embody “the Sleeps sound” with ease. We are always trying to express a certain kind of emotion or internal insight and sometimes you really hit the nail on the head, expressing it how you imagined, and other times you miss it completely. Well, this time we hit it dead on with no room for speculation. The song says it how it is and reminds us to stop looking outwards for approval & validation. The video is a colour explosion from start to finish and, with the current state of this dull bleak world, we think it’s going to be the colour everyone needs to illuminate their spirits, even if it’s only for three minutes.”
Fotocredit: Kevin Randy Emmers